Swimmer, I Am Not

I got up this morning at 4:15. I know, I’m crazy. But seriously, I had to work today. Plus we have a birthday party to go to, and well life..

So I went to the gym (24 Hour Fitness) to be exact. I decided that I was going to swim some laps. I decided to change up my routine a little. My friend, Lindsay, is training for triathalons, and swimming is working for her. That damn bitch, lost 5 pounds one week. So I thought I would try it.

This is not the first time that I swam lately. I went to our association pool a couple of times last week. So anyway, I put on my swim suit, cap, and goggles.. I then hoped into the pool. Ugh, it was not warm like my association pools. At least it was a salt pool though. Love those salt pools much better than chlorine.

So, I did 20 laps. I swear I was dying. I keep swallowing water and gagging. Plus, I got a really bad headache from it too. I finally had enough and got out of the pool. I then realized that, oh my god, they had a sauna there. I usually use the sauna when I got get massages. I jumped on in. I sat there and sweat for about 10 minutes.

I don’t know if I can do this “swimming thing”. I told Lindsay this morning that it wasn’t working for me. She told me that I probably wasn’t breathing right when I did my laps. She said that there’s alot more to swimming than just doing laps. I can’t keep doing this if I get a migraine every time.

It’s 10am now and I still don’t feel right. I’ve eaten breakfast and I have drank a ton of water. I might have to stick with my running and maybe biking every once in a while.

I might even try one of those spinning classes. Lindsay highly recommends those too.

Family 4th of July

After I got home from my 5K, I changed my clothes (showered, of course), and we headed out for some errands. The first place that we arrived at was Lowe’s, which according to Angry Toddler is “The Tool Store”. Angry Toddler loves going to Lowe’s. While we were in there, he (AT) cracked us up. He had one of his cars in his hand and screamed a store an employee, “Check out my cool car, DUDE!”. Angry Husband and I were totally cracking up. We made our purchases and then left the store.

Angry Toddler and I were in patriotic outfits for the day. Angry Husband chose not to dress in red/white/blue.

After running errands, Angry Husband told me that he needed some caffeine. We of course, he wanted a Monster energy drink. We had to stop at the Chevron Food Mart so he could picked up one. Oh My God, the damn can was Huge. It’s called a B.F.C., which is supposed to be a Big Fat Can, but we use another word for F, in our house. I had to take a picture with my cellphone to show how big this can was.

We then went home. Angry Toddler and I headed to the mall with my mom to do some shopping. Angry Toddler had another growth spurt and he needed some new tennis shoes. We went to Nordstrom, and got these new Stride Rites. He’s in a 10W now, which is huge. With huge feet, come huge prices for shoes.

After we came home from shopping, Angry Toddler and I had a nice long nap. I was really tired from running, and I guess, Angry Toddler was tired from shopping. When Angry Toddler woke up, we enjoyed some dinner, high quality hot dogs, and some fireworks.

Huntington Beach Surf City Run 2008

I thought, I would recap our 4th of July Holiday in order. I started off the morning by doing the HB Surf City Run with my running pal, Monique. It was a 5K.

As I hit Mile 1, I knew that I was struggling. I realized that umm, I didn’t work out that much in the past week. I really need to increase my workouts again. I was such a slug.

I finished the run with a time of 35:12 which is a good time for me. Unfortunately, it is not a timing chip event. I love races with those timing chips. My official recorded time is 38:03, which is totally crappy. I waited in line forever to rip that tab off my running bib. I know that this was supposed to be a “fun” event, but I’m trying to get better times.

Here are some pictures of running pal, Monique, and I:

Operation Grow Out Hair, the Summer Edition

I decided to grow out my hair in January. I made an announcement to my hair dresser on April 15th (Tax Day), that I was growing it out. He actually laughed at me. So anyway, he colored my hair that day and did some minor trimming on the ends to enable to grow out better.

Well, it’s now July, and oh my god, I need some coloring done. Wow, my roots are gross!!! Plus my hair is totally unmanageable. It looks all gross and stuck to my head. So alas, I have an appointment at noon today, to get some work done. I hope he can do something with my hair.

Unfortunately, I will have to come home and re-do it after I leave the hair salon today. I can’t stand the way he styles my hair, it drives me CRAZY.

I’m including some BEFORE pictures taken the other day when I was enroute to a deposition for work.

Where I found Angry Toddler this A.M.

Angry Toddler has a bad habit of roaming in the early morning hours. I always check on him when he’s still sleeping, about every 15 minutes. I’m usually awake at about 6am, but I let him sleep till about 7:45, then I get him up for preschool.

I went to check on him at 7:45, right on time and could not locate him. Last time, he did this, I found him in the garage with the dogs. He had gone out our sliding glass door and climbed through the doggy door.

So he was in the closet, going through all of my jewelry. Ugh!!!! There was stuff everywhere. I have to clean it all up now. I’m going to move my jewelry box somewhere else. I know he’s been eyeing it in the corner of the closet for a few days. I think he just waited for the right moment to strike.

New Domain Name

A Big Round of Applause to Sasha for helping me set-up my new domain. She totally rocks!!! She was able to help Ashley and me this weekend.

My new domain is: http://www.angryjuliemonday.com/. You can now change your bookmarks to this. You can still use the old blogspot address as well, it is set-up to re-direct you.

I feel soo special!!! I am very Happy that angryjuliemonday dot com wasn’t taken. But really, there is only one Angry Julie Monday and that’s me.

Once Again!!!!! Thanks Sasha! I’ve been soo busy this week, so it’s the first chance I’ve had to blog.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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