Goodies from Nordies

I forgot to post my goodies that I got at the Nordstrom sale. Unfortunately not everything is online, so I couldn’t steal me some pictures. But I will show some of the stuff that is online too. I went on their site again today. I found more stuff that I have to have from there. I love Nordstrom. It’s my favorite store to shop at.

Anyway, here is my stash:

Ed Hardy Shoes. This is my second part. They are awesome.

A Rubbish cardigan. I’m going to save it for late fall. It’s a light tight as I got a smaller size. Note to self, must run more!

Quiksilver Jeans for Angry Toddler. I love how Quiksilver fits on him.

I got some other shirts for me too. I tried on a bunch of jeans for me too. But I wasn’t going to spend $150 for a pair of jeans that will fit me for a month or two. I’m going to save up for when I hit my goal weight. Then I will get some new stylish jeans.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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