OC Fair 2008

Well we decided to go to the Orange County Fair last night. Angry Husband’s BFF, Eric, was supposed to go with us. But alas he said he had no funds. He’s a college student again.

So anyway, we packed up the kid and went on our way. Good thing Angry Husband was listening to the radio at the right time. They said there was a sig alert on the freeway leading up to the Fair. I had to backtrack it through local neighbors. AH told me that it was a good thing that I had some inside knowledge. The Fair is in the town that I work in.

We had free tickets, thankfully, since my mom lives near the Fair. She gets a bunch of free tickets every year.

We entered the Fair and came across this awesome sand display. The Fair’s theme is cheese.

Then we came along this baby cow, who was born on Tuesday. Soo cute!

Angry Toddler really liked these tractors in the kid’s area. Unfortunately, they took of the pedals, so AH had to push him around.

And OMG, there were soo many food places. I had to take pictures of all the Fair food. I only got a lemonade, but AH and AT got some Funnel Cake.

The US Marines were out trying to recruit. I had AH take a picture of me and AT in front of their Hummer. I wish I would have known about my bulging pockets. I had my Blackberry in my pocket.

And I had to take a picture of the sky at the Fair on the way out. They have this ski lift rigged above the Fair. Angry Toddler kept asking to go on it. I was like “hell to the no child”. I swear this kid has no fear.

We were there for about 2 and a half hours. It was enough for us. I think we might go back this weekend though, cause AH’s cousin is coming into town.

My First Juicy

Just an FYI, Juicy Couture runs small people!

So I was very excited when the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale started. Cause they had some Juicy on sale. Now that I’m getting a little smaller, cough cough, less fat. I thought I would try on some Juicy.

I got this Juicy Couture Hoodie. Unfortunately, they didn’t have my size in the store. All of the almost too fat for Juicy people, must have grabbed the XL’s the first day. So I had to order it online.

No, I didn’t get the pants. My ass does not look like the girl’s in the picture, that’s why. I’m not that confident yet.

Anyway, my hoodie must have come on Monday, when I was working my marathon shift. Cause I found the Nordstrom box in the garage. I opened it up, tried it on, and it fit perfectly. I will wear it with jeans.

A Day at the pool with a friend

So I went to the gym this morning. I was soo bored after 15 minutes on the elliptical. But I got a little more peppy when they were talking about Plastic Surgery on the view. I love hearing about plastic surgery. Everyone needs to get some…hahaha. So I stayed on there for 30 more minutes.

Then I came home and changed. My pal Evil Mo aka Monique came over and we went to lunch. We had some yummy tacos at El Torito. We should have had some margaritas too. We made a promise to each other to come back for some margaritas.

Then we headed to CVS for some magazines and water. Yes, people, I even used coupons. Then off we went to the pool.

I felt like a teenager. Lounging on the pool chaises while everyone was chasing their kids around. Angry Toddler was at preschool. Mo and I had fun listening to everyone’s conversations. YES, I’m nosey. Everyone knows that about me.

I listened to one mommy (who was wearing a bathing suit, she shouldn’t be wearing) bitch about one of their other mommy friends. How that friend doesn’t want to do playdates or anything like that. Well good for friend. I’m not that playdate, playgroup type of mommy either.

Then another mommy (who was wearing a tankini with roses all over it) was chasing everyone else’s kids around. Wasn’t it naptime yet?

And people wonder why I only have one child?

P.S. Do you like my artsy photo taken with my Blackberry? It’s my new thing. I taken random photos and post them on my blog and/or my Facebook account.

Someone must really love their dog

I have dogs. I’m a dog person. But I had to laugh today when I arrived at the gym. This person had a picture of their dog on the spare tire cover of their Jeep.

Difficulty Adjusting

Yes, it’s time to talk about Angry Toddler again.

It’s been almost 3 weeks since he switched classrooms at preschool. Since then, I swear he’s had like 5 new teachers. Which has left me terribly angered. His orginal teacher was on vacation for the first week of the switch. Ok, it’s summer I understand that. She came back for a week and then gave her notice. Yep, she was quitting to go to work in the elementary school setting.

So this Monday he got a new teacher. His new teacher is fresh from maternity leave. I barely got to meet her yesterday. I like to start off the mornings by talking to his teacher. I tell her about his issues lately, and advise her of other things.

This morning was a rough morning. Angry Toddler was having a meltdown cause they moved two of his friends to another class for breakfast. It was only a temporary thing, but he lost it. The kid does not like sudden changes. It flips him out.

I wanted to talk to his teacher about a major issue we’ve been having. Angry Toddler has been coming home every day from preschool, soaking wet. He seems to get into some kinda of water. Usually it’s the hose. I understand today, Wednesday, is water day. I dressed him accordingly. But seriously, yesterday, he went 3, YES THREE, seperate outfits at schools. I’m sorry, but I can’t do laundry like this every day.

Another teacher told me last week to just dress AT in swim trunks and a t-shirt, so he will dry faster. People, can you kept the damn hose away from my kid. It’s really that easy. Angry Husband is usually one of those let them roll with it type of people. But even he is getting pissed now. We went on Monday to get Angry Toddler and AH saw first hand how we he is when I pick him up. We were on the way to his Little Gym Class. We had to do a complete outfit change before we even made it to the class.

So, yea, the kid is not adjusting well to this class. Every day I walk by his old classroom and get a little sad. I see his teacher, and she tried to cheer me up. But she knows. Everything she worked so hard on, is now down the drain.

AT was also doing really good at potty training too. Now, not so much. He’s completely regressed. He even asked my mom for a diaper the other day. He has not worn diapers during the daytime since February.

I’m going to try and talk to the teachers today about the water issue, but his main teacher will probably be gone when I get there. Sigh…

Concert at The OC Fair

Yea, I know. I bitched about the Orange County Fair in a post last week. Well going to the Fair is much different that standing around directing traffic at the Fair.

I went to the Fair on Sunday night with some of my gal pals from work. We were smart and ate first (nasty Fair food is not too good for dinner, plus it’s expensive). We then went into the concert. The concert consisted of 3 bands (The Vandals, The Mighty Mighty BossTones, and Dropkick Murphys).

The people watching at the concert was quite enjoyable. I felt out of place, cause I wasn’t wearing black. Seriously, everyone was wearing black. Plus, I really didn’t have my tattoo out on display.

I wanted some alcohol so I drug my friends around looking for something other than beer. I like beer, but I was not too impressed with their selection. I finally found a frozen margarita vendor. Seriously, $12 for a damn icey margarita, which totally gave me brain freeze.

The concert was pretty good. The crowd was pretty drunk.

Of course, I had to get a t-shirt. I waited in line with all the other crazies to get my damn shirt. The shirts were reasonably priced too, at $20. Usually concert shirts are about $35-40.

Well, I will end this post with a pic of me and my gals! Ignore the picture quality. I took it with one of my work cameras, which was not working very good.

Goodies from Nordies

I forgot to post my goodies that I got at the Nordstrom sale. Unfortunately not everything is online, so I couldn’t steal me some pictures. But I will show some of the stuff that is online too. I went on their site again today. I found more stuff that I have to have from there. I love Nordstrom. It’s my favorite store to shop at.

Anyway, here is my stash:

Ed Hardy Shoes. This is my second part. They are awesome.

A Rubbish cardigan. I’m going to save it for late fall. It’s a light tight as I got a smaller size. Note to self, must run more!

Quiksilver Jeans for Angry Toddler. I love how Quiksilver fits on him.

I got some other shirts for me too. I tried on a bunch of jeans for me too. But I wasn’t going to spend $150 for a pair of jeans that will fit me for a month or two. I’m going to save up for when I hit my goal weight. Then I will get some new stylish jeans.

Angry Toddler, Please Take a Nap

Well it’s almost 4pm. I worked out today, worked for 5 hours, and attended a kid’s birthday party.

Unfortunately Angry Toddler is wild and reckless. I have to watch him every 5 seconds when he’s at a birthday party. The kid was having too much fun in the bounce house. He refused to eat and/or even sit down for a second.

Everytime, I offered him food, I got this response: “No thank you”. Yes, the kid is polite, but geez he needs to eat. He had those bounce house red cheeks. I made him drink some water, which he did take a few sips.

Of course, when it was cake time. Guess who was patiently sitting on a chair waiting for a piece, Angry Toddler. The kid loves cake. I’m not that parent who won’t give him dessert since he didn’t it”. It was a birthday party. I was like, what the hell, eat some damn cake. Believe me, it was good cake.

I finally had to drag him out of there, cause I was tired.

He is now sitting on the couch, being babysat by his favorite rabbit, Ruby. You know the famous Ruby from Max and Ruby. I really hate that chick. She’s quite bossy.

I’m hoping he will doze off soon so mama can get some rest. I’m about to pass out. Maybe Angry Husband will come home soon. That would be delightful.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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