Sex in the City

I finally went to see this movie, “Sex in the City”, over a week ago. I went with my friend, Julie. Julie is a long lost friend. We reunited at the hospital where she works as nurse.

I met Julie in 7th grade when I moved to Orange County. She was one of my first friends here. We slightly parted our way in High School, but we played softball together and did other things.

She lived in Las Vegas for a few years and moved back to Orange County, recently.

Anywho, I’ve been doing things here and there with Julie. It’s kinda fun getting back in touch with someone after so long. We talked about people we went to school with, and things that happened during school.

Anyway, back to the movie. Oh my god, it was soo damn long! Seriously! I love Sex and the City, but I kinda got bored in parts of it. I’m not going to spend a whole post talking about what happened, because if you care, you will go see it. Oh, and we had this really loud woman sitting a few rows behind it, she kept commenting on everything that happened in the movie, loudly!

After doing some reading on the Net, it looks like there might be another movie coming too, a sequel.

But is was a decent cute movie, that made me laugh, which is really all that matters.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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