Chuck E Cheese, Our First Visit

We had our first visit with an almost 3-year old, to Chuck E. Cheese. We were attending a birthday party. Angry Toddler was screaming “Chuck E. Cheese” in the car, even though he had no clue what it was.

Before going to the party, Angry Husband picked him up from the doctor. Angry Toddler was having a recheck due to his upper respiratory infection. They drugged him up with some steroids and sent them on their way. They got home and I gave AT a breathing treatment also.

So, when we arrived at the land of the gray mouse, AT went friggin crazy. Seriously, he was running around like some wild animal. Angry Husband followed him around, then it was my turn. Seriously, you didn’t even need to give the kid tokens. He just wanted to see and touch everything.

He pissed off some bigger kids though. He kept trying to take their skee-balls. Angry Husband got some dirty looks from some annoying parents due to that.

We finally had to drag him out of the party a little over an hour later.

My observations of the place. Ugh..I swear we will never purposely take him there again. You check in the front door with your kid, and get your hand stamped. They match you up with your kid. We chose to watch our kid. But other parents “chose” to let their kids run like wild banshees. Seriously, I saw some two year olds running around without shoes or parents.

I mean the place is semi-big. Why would you chose to ignore your kids. I don’t get that. Unless, we are going to a party there, we won’t go back.

But, we did tell my parents. They can take Angry Toddler there anytime they want. HA!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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