Hoping for some great photos!

I finally got fed up a couple of weeks ago with my Nikon d70 SLR. I loved this camera when I first got it. It had all the bells and whistles. Well in the past 3 years, I’ve had my ups and downs with the camera.

Angry Husband and I decided it was time to get a new camera. We are missing out on lots of moments, because we have been only using our point and shoot.

Well we decided to order the Nikon d60. It’s a small format of the SLR’s, but it’s perfect and small. I can’t wait to get it.

DHL attempted to deliver it yesterday, but unfortunately, no one was home to sign for it. Thankfully, my mom is at my house today, so she can sign for it. I can’t wait to take some pictures.

Operation Stash the Toy Does Not Work

Angry Husband and I realized that “Operation Stash the Toy” does not work anymore with Angry Toddler. He’s way too smart.

We told him that he could pick out one toy at Target tonight. He picked out like three things and threw them in the cart. The most coveted item, a train from Thomas the Train. Right after he picked out the train, he wanted a $2.97 ball.

As we rounded the corner, Angry Husband removed the train from the cart and placed it on the shelf.

On the way home, AT began to ask for the train. We kept changing the subject.

Then when we got home, he went digging in the bags for the train. He said, “Where is my Special Train.” It broke my heart. He looked soo sad.

I told Angry Husband, “We can’t pull that one anymore, he knows”.

Thirty minutes later, he’s still asking for the train.

Edited to Add:

Angry Husband promptly went back to Target.

Ran my personal best today on a 5K

I’m not the fastest runner in the world, but I’m trying. That’s all that matters.

I used to do alot of 5K runs, a couple of years ago. This was before I was working night shifts, fertility drugs, being pregnant, and having Angry Toddler.

I finally realized late last year that I wanted to be the “old” Julie. The athletic one, the smaller one, hahahhahahaaha.

I ran a 5K last July and came in with a time of 46:56. I thought that was pretty good for me at the time. Hey, I finished before alot of people, that is what really mattered to me.

Well, I just tracked the race results for today’s run: 35:15! YAY! I’ve improved over 11 minutes. I ran a race last month and my time was 37:48.

All those hours that I have spent in the gym have really paid off. I’m glad. I get discouraged sometimes, even when I get up early in the morning before work to do my workouts. But seeing this time, really inspired me.

Angry Toddler Turns "3"

We had Angry Toddler’s 3rd Birthday party last Saturday. His actual birthday was on Monday, the 19th.

I picked a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme. We had a great turn-out although it got to be 100 degrees out.

Here are some pictures.

Angry Toddler in the Morning

Angry Toddler has been such a bear in the morning lately. The kid is like a 15-year old, refusing to get up in the morning. Here are some comments from the past few days.

“No want to go to school, school is closed.”
“Don want to see friends, want to sleep.”
“Don want to see teachers.”

For the past few days, I’ve had to trick him into getting dressed. The first day, I said we were going on an Adventure. The second day, I said we were going on a trip. I’m running out of lame comments.

The kid has already slept 10 hours. I need him up and out to preschool. I have tons of errands to run.

I’m going to try and get him up now. I wonder what his comments will be this morning.

Learning Blackberry-Eeeze

I’m a techno gadget girl. I usually learn stuff pretty easy when it comes to electronics. But, boy this Blackberry is really challenging me. I’ve had to make a few phone calls for tips from my friends.

I walked into the Verizon store yesterday and freaked out on them too. I was like, “Give me my contacts back!!” The girl at the counter advised me that Verizon’s “Back-Up” thing does not work with PDA’s and Blackberry’s. Ugh!!

I had to take Angry Husband and Angry Toddler back into the Verizon store last night so I could get my contacts on my new phone. Angry Husband switched his cellphone to my old LG enV. He’s soo happy now that he’s got a full keyboard to text.

I’m going to try and learn this thing too. There’s alot of useful information on the net about Blackberry’s. I need a tutor or something.

Out for Delivery

Those are the most beautiful words….

My Mother’s Day gift is out for delivery. Angry Husband got me a Verizon Blackberry Curve for Mother’s Day. Ok, well I ordered it. But told me that if that is what I want for Mother’s Day, then order it.

It’s brand new for Verizon, it came out last Friday. My friend Londie had one, until she switched to the iPhone. My friend Stacie also has one. When I played with Stacie’s, I knew I wanted one, but I patiently waited.

I hate that Verizon takes so long to come out with the cool phones.

Chuck E Cheese, Our First Visit

We had our first visit with an almost 3-year old, to Chuck E. Cheese. We were attending a birthday party. Angry Toddler was screaming “Chuck E. Cheese” in the car, even though he had no clue what it was.

Before going to the party, Angry Husband picked him up from the doctor. Angry Toddler was having a recheck due to his upper respiratory infection. They drugged him up with some steroids and sent them on their way. They got home and I gave AT a breathing treatment also.

So, when we arrived at the land of the gray mouse, AT went friggin crazy. Seriously, he was running around like some wild animal. Angry Husband followed him around, then it was my turn. Seriously, you didn’t even need to give the kid tokens. He just wanted to see and touch everything.

He pissed off some bigger kids though. He kept trying to take their skee-balls. Angry Husband got some dirty looks from some annoying parents due to that.

We finally had to drag him out of the party a little over an hour later.

My observations of the place. Ugh..I swear we will never purposely take him there again. You check in the front door with your kid, and get your hand stamped. They match you up with your kid. We chose to watch our kid. But other parents “chose” to let their kids run like wild banshees. Seriously, I saw some two year olds running around without shoes or parents.

I mean the place is semi-big. Why would you chose to ignore your kids. I don’t get that. Unless, we are going to a party there, we won’t go back.

But, we did tell my parents. They can take Angry Toddler there anytime they want. HA!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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