Rusty the Snake

My parents watched Angry Toddler all day last Saturday. This was the first time that they’ve watched him for a full day since September. My mom neglected to come and get my car, so they had no car with a carseat.

They choose to stay at home and play in our front yard. Well it was a VERY long day for both of my parents.

My dad was trying to train Angry Toddler to not get into things that he wasn’t allowed to be in. Our back patio for example, we have locks on our sliding glass doors. The back patio is mostly used as a dog run for us and the dogs leave their poop there. I clean it once a day at least, but sometimes AT is too fast and he wants to touch the poo-poo.

So my dad told Angry Toddler that “Rusty the Snake” lives in the backyard and he bites. Seriously, ever since Saturday, he’s been talking about Rusty. For the past two mornings, Angry Toddler told me to be very quiet in a whispering voice, “Momma be quiet, Rusty is sleeping in the bushes”.

It’s hilarious and now has become a big game in this house. We don’t want to upset Rusty or he will bite. I keep forgetting to ask AT’s teachers if he’s talking about Rusty at school too.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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