Angry Husband and I went to Disneyland

Angry Husband took some time off last week from work. We decided to spend one day alone while Angry Toddler was at preschool. Since we have Disneyland Season Passes, we decided to go to Disneyland. We wanted to enjoy some of the rides that Angry Toddler can’t go on.

We had a great day. The lines were not long, the weather was good.

I can’t wait to have another day like this in a few months or so.

Breach of Security

My parents watched Angry Toddler while AH and I were at work. They have been watching him every Saturday. They mentioned something about him opening the garage door, but I really didn’t think anything about it.

I went to the bathroom when I got home, as Angry Toddler was watching TV. As I came out of the bathroom, I noticed the access door between the garage and house was open. I was perplexed, thinking, maybe I left it unlocked.

Well, I managed to get AT back in the house. I made sure I locked the door this time. Well sure enough, within two seconds of closing the door, Angry Toddler was at the door. I watched him easily flip both locks open. He then opened the door, stepped in the doorway, and reached up to open the garage door.

I was soo frustrated. So we played in the garage a little. I then tried to distract him with a new puzzle that we had in the garage. I put the puzzle on the kitchen table inside the house, and coaxed AT into the house. He sat there for like 5 minutes while he completed the puzzle, then he was back at trying to unlock the door again.

Well I had one of my usual moments and flipped out. I called Angry Husband and asked him when he would be getting home, as we had a “situation”. Angry Husband was about 30 minutes from getting home. So I literally sat in front of the door until he got home. Angry Toddler gave up and went and watched TV.

When AH got home, we immediately made a trip to Lowe’s. We went to the lock section, trying to figure out what to do. Angry Husband got an idea while we were there and it only cost us $.95.

So we went home. AH stayed in the garage with his tools. I proceeded to play on the computer while AT watched some Noggin. Within 5 minutes, AH said, all done!

Well what Angry Husband did was, reverse the lock. AH put the keyed part of the lock on the interior of the house and the twist part on the garage side. He then screwed in a little hook ($.95 item) next to the door on the interior part of the house so we could hang the key. Problem solved!

Within 2 minutes Angry Toddler was at the door again. He tried to unlock the door, but then realized that he couldn’t. He got this pissed off look on his face and walked away. That’s right, Angry Toddler was defeated.

Oh, and we moved up the button which opens the garage door too.

Carlsbad 5000 Recap

Well I completed the Carlsbad 5000 5K last Sunday. It was my best time ever, 37:48. Seriously, I’m not a running champion, but slow and steady works for me. I beat some of my times from last year by six and eight minutes! Here are some photographs taken of my friend Monique and I. Angry Julie is wearing the I Heart Running shirt. I needed some inspiration.

Carlsbad 5000

Sunday is my first 5K of the year. I’m doing it with my running pal, Monique. I haven’t been able to do any other runs this year since I work weekends. I hope my time is good. I’ve been training alot lately.

I work nights the next two days, and then I’m off work Sunday and Monday. I need to get all my running gear organized today though, since I won’t have time before my run.

Well, I gotta go now, time to train!


Where have we been? Well it’s been a busy week. We decided to renew our season passes to Disneyland. We went to Disney two times this week. Angry Toddler was really excited to see Mickey Mouse. But, oh boy, it was expensive. We had to get two season passes and two parking passes. Angry Husband got parked too. He wants to take AT to Disney sometimes when I’m working, what a good daddy.

The first time we went to Disneyland, it got really cold all of a sudden. We didn’t realize that it would be so cold. Ugh, of course parents of the year forgot to bring a jacket for their toddler. So we went in one of their many stores and bought a lovely zip-up hoody for the nice price of $39 plus a $10 ball that AT couldn’t live without.

Last night, we went again. We picked Angry Toddler up from preschool at 3pm and drove to Disney. It was a nice calm day there. I think everyone thought that it was going to rain all night, so they didn’t go to Disneyland. It was fantastic. We jumped right on the rides. We even got to the go on Finding Nemo. Seriously, we’ve been to Disneyland at least 15 times since this ride opened last year. We have never been able to get on the ride, since there was like a 2 hour wait.

My review of the ride? It wasn’t all that. I don’t know why we wanted to go on it so bad. Angry Toddler loved it though. We were under the water and there were the Nemo cartoons. He thought it was fantastic. Angry Husband didn’t like being trapped underwater with stinky people though. Ahh, one less ride we can ignore from now on!

Rusty the Snake

My parents watched Angry Toddler all day last Saturday. This was the first time that they’ve watched him for a full day since September. My mom neglected to come and get my car, so they had no car with a carseat.

They choose to stay at home and play in our front yard. Well it was a VERY long day for both of my parents.

My dad was trying to train Angry Toddler to not get into things that he wasn’t allowed to be in. Our back patio for example, we have locks on our sliding glass doors. The back patio is mostly used as a dog run for us and the dogs leave their poop there. I clean it once a day at least, but sometimes AT is too fast and he wants to touch the poo-poo.

So my dad told Angry Toddler that “Rusty the Snake” lives in the backyard and he bites. Seriously, ever since Saturday, he’s been talking about Rusty. For the past two mornings, Angry Toddler told me to be very quiet in a whispering voice, “Momma be quiet, Rusty is sleeping in the bushes”.

It’s hilarious and now has become a big game in this house. We don’t want to upset Rusty or he will bite. I keep forgetting to ask AT’s teachers if he’s talking about Rusty at school too.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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