Gucci-Love You, Can’t Afford You

Seriously, I think I get an e-mail from Gucci, at least once a week.

I own two things from them. My mom bought both of my purses. I can’t afford to buy their purses.

Stop tempting me Gucci!

Vampire Toddler

I am usually funny and joyous on my blog. I discuss the interesting things that happen in my daily life. But the past two weeks have been a real downer in our house.

Angry Toddler is having some major issues at preschool right now. I’m sure I’ve discussed this before, but he’s in a really really really bad biting phase right now. At first we thought it was his medicine, it got a little bit better after we stopped some of his medications. Then a few days later, the behavior returned.

Last Tuesday was the worst day he ever had at preschool. He bit 4 kids and hit one kid. Angry Husband picked him up at 5:30pm and the teacher advised him (AH) that he needed to meet with the Director of the school. AH met with the Director and she advised him that Angry Toddler was on the verge of getting kicked out of the school.

AH came home and told me about this. I was in total shock. I was determined to meet with the Director the following morning and discuss the FULL situation of what was going on. I met with HER (i.e. evil Director), and I was not pleased. The woman was very PC and kept saying we do this because of privacy, social services, etc. All I wanted to know is, if other kids were having issues? Was he biting the same kids every day? Is it a certain time frame? I got none of that from her. She made it out like we were bad parents and my child was the bad seed.

I left frustrated. AH and I discussed the situation. We love his school, AT loves his friends, so far everything was working out great in the situation. AT was on better behavior Wed, Thur, and Fri. We were pleasantly surprised. We rewarded AT with a special trip to Brats R’ Us.

Well, today was a whole new ballgame. While, I was working, I received a call on my cellphone from Angry Toddler’s teacher. She told me that he had bit a kid and asked if I could come and pick him up. I finished what I was doing, talked to my boss, and left work. I arrived at the preschool, in my work uniform. Nothing better than someone coming to a preschool 12 noon in a police uniform. Angry Toddler wanted a toy from another kid, so he bit the kid. This was the worst bite ever, he broke the skin and the kid was bleeding. Ugh, what a mess. I seriously don’t know what is going on with AT.

We’ve tried everything at home with him. We’ve read him the books, we’ve talked to him. I still don’t know why this biting is going on.

I called my mom, trying to vent, but she was no help. She said that she would watch AT on Mondays and Fridays. Seriously, there is no way she can physically handle him for that long. I would be even more stressed out at work. I tried to explain to her, that he responds better to the teachers, but something about not being able to express himself to the other kids at school.

I have discussed this with a few of my friends. After many phone conversations, I decided to make an appointment with the pediatrician. We need some outside advice on what to do, make even some references.

I know that I can find another school, switch him, etc. But in reality, I know that he will keep on biting kids. I can already instinctively feel this. I want to be able to resolved the problem effectively.

Luckily, I’ve been exercising quite a bit lately, which is relieving some of the added stress.

Bye Bye Stripes

So we have a 125 gallon saltwater fish tank in our dining room. The thing is huge. We have a little collection of fish. Angry Toddler has named them with cute names, simple for him to use.

We’ve noticed that one of our fish has not been cooperating lately. He’s got a nasty attitude. He’s been picking on the smaller fish, taking food from the other fish.

The last straw was Friday night. We brought home five small fish. I named them the Jackson 5, since they all looked similar. Stripes aka fish with a Bad Attitude, was chasing them around the tank like a shark. It freaked me out. These poor innocent fish being stalked by this Angry Fish. I told Angry Husband that Stripes had to go. Angry Husband tried for at least 30 minutes to get Stripes out of the tank. Angry Fish was smart and kept hiding from AH. Angry Husband finally gave up.

Yesterday, Angry Husband called me and he seemed very happy. He told me that he was able to get Stripes out of the tank. He had to empty out some of the water along with moving all the rocks around. He said that he had to use his bare hands to get him though. I met Angry Husband at the Fish store, where we took back Stripes.

Stripes was in his little holding cell tank when I got to the store. He still looked angry. We got a replacement for Stripes. Angry Toddler named him Bungee. Maybe, I can get a picture of Bungee later this week.

Life Dealing with AT’s Preschool

As I have posted previously, we’ve had some issues with Angry Toddler and preschool recently. His behavior has been atrocious.

We’ve had some serial biting incidents that came out of nowhere. The first time they happened, we realized it was being caused by some allergy meds, Singulair, that he was taking. Apparently he was the .00005% that was have aggressive behavior, seizures, and bronchitis.

Last week, on Tuesday, he had a really bad day. Angry Husband had to meet with the school’s Director after school. I also met with her the next morning. She told me that Angry Toddler was on the verge of getting kicked out of school. This woman would not help me with when the biting was happening, where it was happening, or if it was always the same kid. I was quite frustrated. I wanted to know why my little boy was being soo aggressive. He is not like this at home.

I think the RUDE Director realized that we were not going to give into her. They really worked with Angry Toddler on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. His behavior had gotten better and he realized that biting was bad.

Unfortunately, AT got bitten on Friday by another little boy. Just because the kids were trying to look out the same window. Apparently, AT told the little boy that “Biting is bad, and you don’t bite.”. I know that this little boy is one of AT’s problems at school. The teacher advised me that they were going to have a meeting with the other kid’s parents.

I’m soo frustrated and stressed out because of this situation. I know AT is a good kid. I know that other kid’s behavior is having an influence on him. I’m glad that his teachers are working with him. As I’ve told my friends, they can kick him out, but really another Angry Toddler is going to come along right after him. They will always be dealing with this in the 2-3 year old room.

Hopefully, Angry Toddler will grow out of this stage soon. Cause literally, every preschool in the area is FULL!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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