My first parent/teacher conference

Well, Angry Husband and I went to pick up Angry Toddler from preschool today. There was a note in his folder. AT had bit a kid 3x. The teacher wanted a meeting with us.

Also, AT had been bitten by a kid on his back this morning.

Angry Toddler was trying to take a toy away from the other kid, that’s why he bit the kid 3X, in 3 separate instances.

Ugh… I know it’s the meds for his bronchitis. His behavior has been awful since he started on the breathing treatments almost 2 weeks ago.

We are not giving him a treatment tomorrow morning.

My mom was like, “I hope he doesn’t get kicked out of this school. What are you going to do, Julie.” Thanks Mom for the encouragement.

I’m meeting with the teacher on Thursday morning. Happy fricken Valentine’s Day to me.

Good/Bad Weekend

Well my weekend started off on Friday, when Angry Toddler’s school called me at noon. He had a febrile seizure at school. Ugh, we thought the sickness was over for a few weeks. I guess not. I took him to the doctor later that day and he was diagnosed with bronchitis.

Angry Toddler DOES NOT want to cooperate with his breathing treatments. I don’t blame him, it tastes nasty. Angry Husband had to hold him down while I gave him the treatment. Angry Toddler was biting and kicking AH.

On Saturday, we went to a local zoo. AH calls this more “a park with some animals”. I thought it was cute. It was really close to our house, and cheap. AT got to see some monkeys, an elephant, and even a cow.

On Saturday night, I went and got a pedicure with my friend, Stacie. I got this mermaid blue color. It’s totally funky. She thinks I’m a weirdo, ya soo what! We went to Target and Old Navy too while we were there. Old Navy is having a Baby Sale, so I got some summer clothes for Angry Toddler.

On Sunday, we went to 2 fish stores, so Angry Toddler could see some fishies. We also went to a place called Prehistoric Pets so AT could see some snakes and lizards.

Sunday night, I went to the gym to get away for a little bit. I’m trying to condition my ankle. It’s healing better and I have to go back to work on Saturday. I need to make sure I can walk on it for 11 hours a day.

Angry Toddler was feeling alot better this morning. We gave him a breathing treatment and sent him to preschool. He was soo happy to be with his friends. He loves preschool.

Mommy got to watch all her stuff on Tivo too!!! Yippeee.

I am not a cold weather person

I know, I know…I live in California. But seriously folks, it’s been fricken cold here lately. I’m not used to wearing long sleeves and a jacket all the time.

About a week ago, Angry Husband wanted me to call the Heater People. He (AH) was complaining of his eyes burning, and his sinuses bugging him.

So I called them out. The guy checked my heater, air conditioner, and thermostat. He told me that it was WAY too HOT in the house. It was like at 72 degrees. I was freezing. So he re-programmed the entire thermostat and told me not to touch it.

He then suggested that we get new filters for our heater. He said that we could use a duct cleaning too, and maybe one of those Living Air thingys. I was concerned that since we have a 125 gallon fish tank, maybe we have too much salinity in the air.

Anyway, one week later, we wake up every morning freezing. Cause the heater has not kicked on yet. This was the first morning that I wasn’t cold. WHY? Cause Angry Toddler came into our room at 1am, and was snoring in my ear. So I moved to AT’s bed, which had a brand new down comforter (Thanks Nana!). I was soo snug and warm.

Angry Husband mentioned tonight about how cold it was this morning in the house. I responded by saying that I wasn’t cold. Ha Ha Ha!

I suggested that maybe we get a down comforter for our bed. Our only problem? We don’t share very well. We would have to get two comforters for our bedroom. Which would be totally expensive.

So I’m sitting here right now in flannel pj pants and a long sleeve shirt. I am still cold. This cannot continue.

I need a vacation right now to someplace warm. I can’t deal with this cold weather much longer.

Update on my leg

Well I went to the doctor last Friday. He told me that it’s only a small fracture and put me in one of those inflatable boot thingys. I kinda walk like Frankenstein in it.

I’m really bummed, because I was going to start a new workout regime, along with Sasha’s Couch 2 5K Program Hopefully, I will be able to start walking soon without the boot.

Even though, I have ye ole’ boot on, Angry Husband gave a me a huge list of things to do yesterday. I had to go to Costco, the Post Office, and the Bank. Luckily, my friend, Stacie, saved me from going to the Post Office. I was lucky enough to catch her on her lunch break and handed off my packages to her. I think she goes to the Post Office as much as a I do. She happily accepted my packages along with some other goodies I had for her in my car.

Stacie also saw what a mess my car is. With Angry Toddler being sick and this broken ankle, I haven’t had much time/energy to clean up my car and the garage. Plus, it’s been raining and I need a good carwash. The back cargo area is full of stuff from Target, Costco, and even a Gap bag.

So today, I’m going to concentrate on some more Spring cleaning.

Oh, and I also want to Thank the Writer’s Strike for one thing lately, Good Sleep. Since none of my shows have been on, I have been going to bed at like 9:30pm and not midnight. No wonder I was wide awake at 5am this morning.

Yep It’s Broken

So after some x-rays at the Urgent Care. It was determined that I broke a small bone in my right ankle.

The doctor put a temporary splint on my leg until the swelling goes down. She then gave me an Orthopedic’s number to call about casting.

Seriously, this totally sucks. I can’t do anything. I can’t drive. I can barely hobble around in these crutches…

It’s a medical day for us AGAIN!

So Angry Toddler is indeed sick. He was diagnosed with an ear infection again and some upper respiratory junkola. They doped him up with antibiotics, oral steroids, and a breathing treatment. He crashed early last night and sleep through to the morning.

He woke up, bright and early, with lots of energy. Unfortunately, I had to give him another breathing treatment at home, which made him extremely hyper. So from 10am-12noon, AT went through a total steroid rage. With all these drugs in him, he went friggin crazy. OMG he was mean, hitting, scratching, and biting. My friend Stacey came over with her daughter to entertain for a bit, Angry Toddler behaved then.

When Stacey was gonna leave, I said, yea, I need to go to the post office and stuff. So I opened the door to the garage to put AT in the car. AT ran from me, and was hiding behind the car. I went to run after and slipped on our garage stairs, then I tripped on a rug below our stairs, and then I ended up on the ground. Poor Stacey had to help me up. All I was doing was screaming, “Umm, I think I broken my f-ing ankle”. I limped back into the house.

I sat there for awhile and felt like I could move a bit better. Stacey put AT in his carseat and buckled him in. I went to the post office, and bank. My ankle hurt a little, but I dealt with it.

So, it’s 4:30PM now, and my ankle is killing me!!!! As soon as Angry Husband gets home from work, I’m going to the Urgent Care to get my ankle looked at. I hope nothing major is wrong with it.

Stay tuned…

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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