It’s a medical day for us AGAIN!

So Angry Toddler is indeed sick. He was diagnosed with an ear infection again and some upper respiratory junkola. They doped him up with antibiotics, oral steroids, and a breathing treatment. He crashed early last night and sleep through to the morning.

He woke up, bright and early, with lots of energy. Unfortunately, I had to give him another breathing treatment at home, which made him extremely hyper. So from 10am-12noon, AT went through a total steroid rage. With all these drugs in him, he went friggin crazy. OMG he was mean, hitting, scratching, and biting. My friend Stacey came over with her daughter to entertain for a bit, Angry Toddler behaved then.

When Stacey was gonna leave, I said, yea, I need to go to the post office and stuff. So I opened the door to the garage to put AT in the car. AT ran from me, and was hiding behind the car. I went to run after and slipped on our garage stairs, then I tripped on a rug below our stairs, and then I ended up on the ground. Poor Stacey had to help me up. All I was doing was screaming, “Umm, I think I broken my f-ing ankle”. I limped back into the house.

I sat there for awhile and felt like I could move a bit better. Stacey put AT in his carseat and buckled him in. I went to the post office, and bank. My ankle hurt a little, but I dealt with it.

So, it’s 4:30PM now, and my ankle is killing me!!!! As soon as Angry Husband gets home from work, I’m going to the Urgent Care to get my ankle looked at. I hope nothing major is wrong with it.

Stay tuned…

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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