PDA….at the GYM!

So, I’m all decked out in my athletic gear (Nike pants, a t-shirt from some run, and a SWAT hat from work), and I’m trudging away on the elliptical at 24 Hour Fitness this morning. I’m minding my own business listening to my i-Pod while watching the TVs.

Out of the corner, I see this couple totally making out. They were all over each other. They were on the machines, then they started walking around groping each other. I gave them the yuck face.

Seriously, the gym was busy. People get a room. You’re gross! Have some respect.

Dear Angry Toddler

I know that you are 33 months old now. Which to most people means, you’re almost 3. You are a big boy now. But there is one thing, you have not mastered….the potty. Angry Toddler could you please learn to use the potty. You are wearing a size 7 diaper now. Did you know how hard it is to find these diapers?

Mommy went to two Targets today to look for diapers for you. She finally found them and bought the last 3 packages that they had. Umm, these should last maybe a week?

Plus, mommy loves Target and she spent another $75 in addition to the diapers that she did not have to.

Maybe we could make this your birthday goal? We have 3 months still?

Best Looking Blog

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Woo-hoo!! I’m an award winner. I was awarded Best Looking Blog of the Week by the Gals at MDU

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who nominated me. I really appreciate it.

I will try to blog some more, now that I have some time!!!

Athena’s First Birthday

Yesterday, we attended one of my BFF’s daughter’s birthday. Ruth’s daughter, Athena was turning one. Ruth always makes her kiddos b-days a special event. I took my Nikon to the party yesterday. I rarely lug that camera around anymore, but since I knew we would be inside, I brought it. I also attached my slave flash to it, since her house is soo dark.

It’s hard as a parent to organize everything, and get pictures of your event. I know, believe me, I’ve been there. So I knew that I could take about 200 pictures, edit them, and then just e-mail them to my friend.

Here are a few pictures, I took.

The Yummy Cake

Miss Athena Eating Some Cake

Angry Toddler Disguised as a Tiger

While trying to chat with the Drama Mama’s…..

Friday night, I was able to log in for a chat with the Drama Mama’s at MDU
… Angry Toddler did the following:

1. Asked to go potty.
2. Wanted a bath.
3. Didn’t want a bath.
4. Wanted jammies on.
5. Handed me a poopy diaper.
6. Wanted different jammies on.
7. Wanted some milk.

Seriously, the kid rarely bugs me for these things when I’m just surfing the web. Why did he know to do this while I was involved in a chat.

Angry Husband was still at work while all of this was going on.

Drama Mama’s, I did enjoy the chat though. It was nice to get to know some of you better!

Friday was a Good Mail Day!

What is a good mail day? It’s a day when goodies and packages come in the mail. I got two packages that I was waiting for. I received my Amazon order and an Endless order.

In my Amazon order, I received the following books:

falling out of fashion
Someday My Prince Will Come
shoe addicts Anonymous

I found all these books through various sources. I have a wish list on Amazon, which helps me keep track of the books I want to buy/read. I read about one book every week.

In my Endless order, I received two pairs of shoes for Angry Toddler. He just had another growth spurt and now wears a 9.5W. The kid won’t be 3 until May, eek. I love Endless because they have next day delivery for FREE.

Kiss It!

Angry Toddler was running around like a crazy man. He hit his back/butt area on the front door knob somehow.

He ran over to Angry Daddy. He then bent over and told Angry Daddy to “Kiss It, Kiss It Daddy!”

Angry Husband said, “I’m not kissing his butt”. I said, “Just do it, it’s part of you’re job!”

Update on the Angry Toddler Conference

I met with his teacher yesterday. We agreed that his asthma medicines are making him, well let’s just say it, an Angry Toddler. She said that his behavior has been different for the past two weeks.

I told her that we would work on it at home. We read the “Teeth Are Not For Biting” book about 5x last night.

We also discussed what things that they are working on in the classroom. She told me that she is making them slow down, and not running. She also said to emphasize putting away toys to Angry Toddler.

AT put all his toys away last night. He was great!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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