Nope. It’s not a new sport. It’s what I just did in my house!
Angry Husband has gotten fairly lazy recently about the child proofing. He leaves our bedroom door unlocked, thinking Angry Toddler will think it’s locked and not go in there.
I didn’t see Angry Toddler anywhere. I asked AH where is Angry Toddler? He said “I don’t know”. Seriously how can you lose a 2 year old in a 1200 sq foot house? So I hear him in our bathroom, which he is not supposed to be in.
The kid has AH’s flashlight in his hand standing over the toilet. I look in the toilet and see a glimmer of metal. I pull up my shirt sleeve and reach in. Argh, a Hot Wheels. While my hand is in there, I feel more. I pulled out 7 Hot Wheels and our metal sliding glass door lock.
I’m yelling! Why did you leave the bedroom door open. AH says, “Oh I did?”
As I was washing off toilet funk, the kid’s Christmas cars. I swear Hot Wheels are going to be the death of me. Oh, and the day after Christmas, I caught AT throwing Hot Wheels into our 125 Gallon fish tank. Trying sticking you’re hand in that! Ugh!!!