1. I met my husband at a bar. It was actually an eighteen and over club. It was the day after, I got my walking brace off from breaking my leg.
2. We’ve been married for 9 years.
3. We have one child. I’m an only child, and my mother is an only child.
4. I have two degrees. One is a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and the other is a Masters in Forensic Science.
5. I actually work in a job field that is actually related to my degrees.
6. I was in a sorority in college. I went alumna from that sorority, because of mandatory house move-ins., and the fact that I don’t like to share.
7. I once tried to join the Navy as an Officer. But the written test was all about the aviation part, which I had no clue on. I decided not to join, also, because I wanted to get Lasik.
8. I had Lasik eye surgery in 1999. I now wear glasses again at night. It’s really hard for me to read street signs in the dark.
9. I’ve had plastic surgery. I’ve reduced things, not added on.
10. I do not like to cook. Ok, so I don’t know how to cook much.
11. I drove a Mercedes for three years. I gave it up this year for my Tahoe, which is a lot more practical.
12. I love reading chick lit books. I read at least one book a week.
13. I have one tattoo. It’s the word “Justice” written in Kanji on my upper back, below my neck.
14. I have an addiction to shopping at Target. I go there at least 2-3 times a week.
15. I hate mayonnaise with a very strong passion. My husband thinks this is funny and always tells me that he ordered extra mayonnaise on my food.
16. BBQ sauce is my favorite condiment. I could put it on almost everything.
17. I live in a one story house. We’ve lived here for two years. This is the longest we’ve lived anywhere since we’ve been married.
18. I have two dogs. They are both Chihuahua mixes. The dogs, like my son, refuse to be potty trained. Unfortunately, I can’t put a toddler in the garage.
19. Ice Tea is my favorite drink. My husband thinks it’s absolutely disgusting and makes gagging faces when he accidentally drinks it sometimes.
20. I gave up drinking soda October 1, 2007. It used to be my favorite drink. I have only cheated once. I had a small one in Vegas. It tasted really nasty.
21. I do not like to clean. I have someone come and clean my house every other week. While I sit on the Internet and lurk.
22. My son has more clothes in his closet than my husband and I combined. Ok, maybe my whole neighborhood. Seriously, I have a problem. I’ve stopped, but Grandma hasn’t learned. It’s not my money.
23. I don’t eat anything that once “swam”, i.e. fish, seafood
24. I’m a very picky eater. Like you can’t tell.
25. I love reality shows on MTV. The Hills and Laguna Beach are some of my faves!
26. My favorite TV shows are Little People, Big World and Private Practice.
27. I hate Sci-Fi shows and movie. Sci-Fi is my husband’s favorite type of show.
28. I have two DVR’s in my house. The husband and I each have our own.
29. I love to throw away and shred things. Of course, this has backfired. I have thrown away some important papers and a bunch of my son’s professional baby pictures.
30. I hate my neighbors. We literally have no “cool” neighbors to hang out with or talk to.
31. I grind my teeth at night. I wear a mouth guard because of my grinding. I’ve had 5 root canals because of my grinding.
32. I’ve been highlighting/coloring my hair since I was in 5th grade. I have no clue on what my natural hair color is.
33. I go to Disneyland at least once a month. I have a Season Pass.
34. I have been to the movies since December of 2006.
35. My first concert without my parents was Ozzy Osbourne. I got hit in the eye at that concert by a drunk person, who swung at the person behind him, missed, and hit me.
36. My first concert that my mom went to with me, Metallica. I’ve seen Metallica in concert about ten times.
37. My favorite book is Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. I read Gone with the Wind for the first time in sixth grade. I’ve re-read it about six times.
38. I always carry a Designer purse. I have a small obsession with purses.
39. I also have a little obsession with Louis Vuitton.
40. I wear a uniform for work. Almost every job I worked, I’ve had a name tag or uniform.
41. My first car was a 1966 Mustang. My parents still own the car.
42. I’m a registered Republican. My friend told me recently that I am not a Republican and that she wouldn’t be friends with a Republican.
43. I don’t like coffee. Yet, I like going to Starbucks.
44. I’ve met some of my best friends on the Internet. I met one of my first Internet friends in a chatroom on AOL in 1996.
45. My favorite movie is GI Jane. Everytime I watch it, it makes me want to work out
46. I love sleeping. I could sleep 20 out of 24 hours in the day.
47. Like my son, I have my own blankie. It’s green and white. I can’t sleep without it. Caden calls it, “Mama Blankie”.
48. I almost spelled my son’s name “Kaden”, instead of “Caden”. But I did a poll at work and everyone said that “Kaden”, sounded more like a girl’s name.
49. My girl name for him was Tabitha Jayne. The Tabitha part was from the Soap Opera “Passions”. Jayne is my mother’s middle name.
50. I have personalized “vanity” license plates on my car. My nickname is what is personalized on them.
51. My favorite restaurant is Lucille’s BBQ. It just opened near us at the end of the summer. It is quite yummy, but expensive.
52. I have worked three different jobs for the same employer. I’ve worked here over 10 years.
53. My co-workers are like one big dysfunctional family.
54. I don’t know what my favorite color is. It used to be purple, but I change my mind alot.
54. My signature perfume is Calvin Klein Escape. I’ve been wearing it since college.
55. The High School I went to, is an actual TV show on MTV. And yes, that city is pretty much like that in real life.
56. I work in the city I grew up in.
57. I’ve gone to public school my entire life. The only private school that I’ve ever attended is where I got my Master’s Degree. Does that count?
58. I listen to a variety of music. But really, Hip Hop is my favorite. Rap is second.
59. I have 2 cats, but they are at my mom’s. They’ve lived there since 2002. I’m highly allergic to them now.
60. I don’t iron clothes. I take them to the dry cleaners. Or I have my friend come over and iron.
61. I have blond hair right now. My hair has also been red. I love the red, but it’s hard to keep up.
62. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
63. I had to take Clomid to get pregnant. I got pregnant on the last month I could take it.
64. I delivered my son via c-section. He was breech.
65. My son was 4 weeks early, because I needed to have Gallbladder surgery.
66. I hate the tv show “Southpark”. I used to like it, but now I find it offensive.
67. My first real job was when I was 14, at a fast food place called “Panda Express”
68. I used to collect little mouse figures called “Charming Tails”. But then I stopped suddenly and sold them all on e-bay.
69. I am really bad at doing finances. Yet, I’m in charge of doing them. The husband and I are both spenders.
70. I love my cellphone. It’s an LG enV by Verizon. If someone asked me if I wanted a new cellphone, I would just ask for a brand new enV.
71. I started playing softball in fifth grade. I played until I was a sophomore in high school. I have a softball player’s body still.
72. I love getting mail. I think the UPS and Fed Ex peeps are my heroes right now.
73. I’m totally non-confrontational, yet I have a big mouth.
74. I saw Britney Spears in concert in 2002. I bought the tickets last minute off of e-bay.
75. I have a total obsession with e-bay.
76. I went to elementary school with “Fergie”. We were in Girl Scouts together.
77. I live 10 minutes from my parents. Yet, I would like to move out of state.
78. I was a psychology major going into college. I wanted to study abnormal personalities. I changed my major after my first year because it was impacted.
79. My favorite kind of make-up is Bobbi Brown. Not that I ever wear it. I have a ton of really nice make-up that never gets worn.
80. I refer to Emily Post’s Etiquette, almost weekly. I have friends who call me to ask the golden question, “What is the rule for this XYZ”?
81. I love to give advice. I hate to receive advice. I need to work on this.
82. My favorite shoes are my Birkenstocks. I’ve had about 10 pairs since I was 12. They last a really long time. I’m sad though, because my current broken in pair is missing a mate. I think Angry Toddler did something with my shoe.
83. I hate wearing socks. It’s a good thing that I live in Southern California and it’s not freezing cold all year long.
84. My favorite department store to shop at is Nordstrom. Several of the employees know me there. I don’t know if that’s a good thing.
85. I’ve had two Palm Pilots. I’m back to using a traditional planner. I like to write my dates and notes in there. I had issues with actually charging and using my Palms.
86. My hair is quite short right now. I would love to grow it out long, but I don’t have the patience. I almost considered getting extensions once to take care of the grow out phase, but ended up cutting my hair even shorter.
87. I love taking baths. I haven’t taken a bath at home in over 2 years. Angry Toddler’s bathroom is the only one with a bath tub. The tub is super tiny and not comfortable at all.
88. I don’t like sandwiches. I think alot of it has to deal with my dislike for mayonnaise. Angry Husband suggested getting sandwiches for dinner the other night, and I finally said, you know what? I really don’t like sandwiches.
89. I secretly despise people who live near Sonic Drive-In. I tried it while I was visiting a friend and Texas, and now I’m hooked. Our closest one is over 30 minutes away, and it sucks.
90. I leave out words when I type out or write things. I have to go back and check things several times because of this. Yet, I can easily find grammar mistakes in other people’s documents.
91. I subscribe to several magazines. I love to read about new things.
92. I’m called several different names by different people. My names/nicknames are as follows: Julie, Jules, Hula, and one of my most favorites, ha Mary Sunshine.
93. I like things my way. I need to learn to accept that my husband also has his opinion of things.
94. I hope that my son doesn’t turn out like me, medical wise. I had childhood asthma almost all of my youth. My son had his first attack at 16 months. I don’t want him to spend all his vacations in the hospital doing breathing treatments.
95. I want my son to play organized sports. I’ve already researched when he can start baseball. The kid isn’t even potty trained.
96. My son is in preschool five days a week. It’s not because we need daycare, it’s because I need a break and sometimes he gives me anxiety.
97. It is officially my husband’s birthday. I feel bad for him that his birthday is on Christmas Eve. I’m sure that it sucked when he was younger.
98. I curse like a sailor. I try and behave myself when I’m on the Internet. My mouth is terrible in real life.
99. I love reading people’s blogs. It gives me a little piece of their lives. I enjoy relating to other parent’s and people. I sometimes say out loud he/she is just like me.
100. It took me almost ten days to type this blog post.
101. Merry Christmas Eve!!!! Thanks for Reading Angry Julie Monday!
101 Things About Me
December 24, 2007