Viva Las Vegas Part 2

After leaving Egypt, we returned to our hotel, and ate dinner at Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville. We had some delicious food and drinks. We ran upstairs and changed into our “clubbing clothes”.

We then jumped on the monorail and ventured to the Luxor Hotel and Casino. Why? Because it’s a big giant pyramid? NO! Because the Luxor, has one of the newest and hottest clubs in Las Vegas. Believe me, Angry Julie is not that hip and original to know these things. I saw this club via a recent episode of The Hills.

I thought, why not? Try and get into this club. Wow, my friends and I were way overdressed. I was wearing jeans, a short, and boots. I did not realize that the dress code was spandex black dress, 1 inch below my butt, with v-neck. I was also about ten years older than most of the other patrons.

I had put my name on a VIP list. But I realized that about 300 people had also done the same thing. We were all in a large group, shoving each other to the front of the line. The bouncers were individually picking people to go into the club. Lindsay and I pushed our way to the front of the line, it took us over an hour to finally get selected to go in. We paid our $20 cover charge (Ladies price), and walked up a dark flight of stairs. I then walked straight to the bar. I decided that I needed a drink after standing in line for so long. I ordered an Adios… Why? Because the drink was $13 and I wanted the drink with the most alcohol in it.

We then pushed our way to the front of the dance floor. We were right behind the line the separated the celebrities and the average peeps. The tunes were flowing, and we started dancing. I hadn’t danced like that in a very long time.

As the night passed on, the crowd got deeper and pushier. What a rude crowd it was. Lindsay got yelled at because some girl said, Lindsay’s purse was touching her butt. We were like sardines, how could we avoid that. At about midnight, the moment finally came, “Usher stood up and starting singing!!!”. I just got better and better from there. The celebrities were flowing, one by one, followed by their Entourages.

According to Spy on Vegas dot Com, the following people were seen at LAX: USHER, Chris Tucker, Quincey Jones, Criss Angel, Grand Master Flash, Laura Prepon, Danny Masterson, BabyFace, Doug E Fresh, David Williams, and Todd Brunson.

I will have to say, I hadn’t had fun like that in a very long time. I will do a 3rd installment of this series with the pictures taken at LAX.

Stay Tuned…..

In Search of a Mermaid

I dropped the Angry Toddler off at preschool this morning. He was pissed, because Angry Husband usually takes him. The husband does not understand that you do not break the routine with a toddler. The toddler threw a fit and sat down in the parking lot of the school. I had to carry him into the school like an infant as he was screaming. Of course, as soon as we got to his classroom, he sat right down and played Legos.

I then hop into my vehicle and proceed to leave. As a good wife, I call the house, and speak with the Angry Husband. The husband is home sick, because he’s got some cough, snot thing going on. I ask the husband if he wants any medications, concoctions, etc. The Angry Husband requests throat spray on some Vick’s. As a good wife, I comply and drive over to the CVS drugstore.

The local CVS drugstore is situated between the local Starbucks and a grocery store. I get parking right up front, a few spaces away from Starbucks. As I park and get out, I get dirty looks from other people trying to park, in front of Starbucks. Like how could I park in front of the store, and not go in there. What is my deal? Can’t I park somewhere else? Whatever…..

So I go into CVS, and get the meds for the husband. $12.00 worth, not too bad.

I then decide to go into the local Starbucks. Nothing that I’m a coffee drink, but I wanted one of their yogurt parfaits. I stand in the line of impatient people, and patiently pay for my yogurt. I get a strange look from the cashier when I only want to pay for my yogurt. I get the, “Why are you at Starbucks and not ordering coffee, you idiot” look. I usually order my Venti Passion Tazo Tea Unsweetened, but didn’t feel like it today. So I pay my $3.45 for my yogurt and go on my way.

I walk past other angry Starbucks customers. I’m Angry Julie, but these people take the cake. So I walk to my car, as 5 other people are waiting for my spot. I try to back out, but everyone is trying to pull in at the same time. The people are in such a hurry to get their fancy drinks in their white paper cups.

I almost got into 2 separate car accidents trying to get out of that parking lot.

I made it home and sat down to eat my lovely parfait, which they changed their recipe and now it sucks!

Where I’ve Been…Viva Las Vegas!!

I took a little siesta this weekend and went to Las Vegas. I went to Vegas to visit some friends and other things. I couldn’t get Friday off (thanks co-worker who took the night off, but came into work anyway), so I went Saturday and Sunday.

I flew from the airport here in Orange County to Las Vegas, NV. Of course, the flight had barely any people in it. I choose to sit next to a typical Orange County. Mr. Orange County proceeded to tell me that he works for the railroad, that he makes loads of money, and that he brought $12,000 cash with him to Vegas. Mr. Orange County did not care to see that I had my iPod on, and was in the process of reading three different magazines. I tried to ignore Mr. Orange County but he would not shut up!

After a very rough flight, we arrived in Las Vegas. Ahhh, I love the sound of slot machines when you enter the airport terminal. It’s such a calming sound to me.

I did a few things in town and then I met up with my friend, Lindsay. Lindsay know each other from parenting forums, and have been chatting online for over a year. We started off the night by going outlet shopping.

I went to the Stride Rite outlet and bought Angry Toddler some shoes. And I know some might be offended, but I got him some light up tennis shoes. They have firetrucks on them with lights.

Lindsay and I agreed that the Angry Toddler would love jumping around in his new shoes. We shopped some more and decided that there was nothing else we would need. Shocking, I know!!! I just wasn’t feeling the shopping!

We then ventured to Lindsay’s Hotel Egypt. I met some of her Boutique Design Group friends. Lindsay is a customs designer on e-bay. I met some very nice girls. We then ventured back to my Hotel, to get ready for dinner.

I will continue the saga of my Vegas Trip in Part 2 later today…

Mickey’s Treat

So we went to Mickey’s Treat last night at Disneyland’s California Adventure. We debated whether or not to take the stroller. The kid hates the stroller right now, well at least for the past 10 months or so. But, we thought he might flip out, and we would have to shove him in there.

We put his costume on in the parking structure. He really liked the sword. He walked alongside the stroller with no problem.

He was very excited when we got inside. Even more excited when we gave him his treat bucket. He thought the candy was a fabulous thing. “More candy peas!”, was his favorite line of the night. The kid would butt in the line and shove other little kids just to get his candy.

My parents and husband were quite entertained with all the adult costumes. We saw lots of male, yes male, princesses. I even saw a Snow White with a goatee. There were all sorts of pirates, princesses, Hanna Montanas, and various other costumes.

Overall, it was a great night for the kid.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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