Diaper Vent

My son has been wearing size 5 diapers for about a year. He was starting to potty train but regressed. We are ok with that.

One of my forums was talking about diapers recently, what size their kiddos wear, how much they weigh, etc.

I realized that Angry Toddler has been leaking alot. Duh, he needs to move up to next size. Which means, I need to get the 6’s. No problem.

So I drop him off at preschool today and then head to my local Heaven Target, to buy diapers. Luckily, there is a sale on diapers so I grab two packs. I then realize how small the pack is. This truly annoys me. It’s like every time we go up a size, we lose like 10 diapers in the package. The packages just keep getting smaller and smaller. That is not fair!!! There is nothing I can do about it, cause we need diapers, but NOT fair. Dammit Pampers, you make me mad.

Halloween Card

So after all my bitching about my pumpkin patch pictures, I was able to come up with ones I like. I did not have the time nor the patience to screw around edit the photographs.

I contacted Crystal at Photo Card Designs. She was able to edit my mess, and come up with a really cute card.

I can’t wait to get these cards in the mail. And as bad as he was that day, he actually looks quite cute!

Pumpkin Patch

So I took Angry Toddler to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday. It’s the October thing to do. I wanted to take pictures of him in his cute outfit let him see all the cute pumpkins. My parents also went with me.

AT loved it. I don’t think he remembered that we went this same time last year. He ran around like a crazy man. I took my pictures to send out record the moments while he dodged from pumpkin to pumpkin. He then wanted to go into the bounce house, so I told my mom to go pay the $4 entry fee. He jumped in there for like 5 minutes and then, as he says “all done”.

My camera was acting up again. I’m about ready to throw this Nikon over a cliff. It’s been sent to Nikon for service two times this year. I have all these expensive lens and flashes, yet I have no flash in my pictures, ugh..

So then AT got bitchy, why? Because no nap. He gets to be quite angry around 2pm lately. This is what happens when you refuse to take a nap, Mr. Toddler. I put him over my shoulder and frantically went looking for my parents. Alas, I found them by the snack bar.

Then AT wanted to see the blue chicken, aka peacock. He thought that this bird was the coolest thing ever. He kept calling it blue chicken.

We finally left said pumpkin patch after about an hour. I was done, AT was done. When we got into the car, I asked Angry Toddler if he was hungry. He said, “Yes”. I said, do you want chicken nuggets… He started crying.. Oops, I forgot, he just saw that “blue chicken” at the patch..

Now, I have to spend this entire day trying to edit these photos that have no flash, and are dark….

P.S. I hate my camera. Anyone wanted a used Nikon d70?

Message Boards or Forums

Do you frequent them?

Do you have regular ones you go to?

I do. I have been using message boards forums ever since I was Trying To Conceive. It’s an awesome thing about the Internet. There are people out there like myself, going through the same struggles of TTC, parenting, marriage, and life.

We post about our daily lives, what’s going on, issues we are having. People respond with comments, tips, and such.

But alas, my favorite part of the forums, is the drama. Yes, I’m a Drama Ho, and proud of it. Because of the Internet being so anonymous, you can post just about anything, unless you are on a forum that is censored. I’ve seen tons of debates natural/c-section birth; breastfeeding/formula feeding; circ/no-circ; co-sleep/crib….

I could go on and on. People love to argue. I think alot of people will not say things in real life, because they are shy, or don’t want to start fights. But, hey on the Internet, it’s fair game. You can post your opinion, defend your opinion, and if people don’t like it, you sign off your computer. You can come back in a few days, and a lot of steam has been blown off. Why? Cause there is some new drama that everyone is talking about.

I’m writing this post today, because one of the Forums that I subscribe to is down. There are over 6,000 members on this Forum. It is unknown on how many people are actually active. I’m also on several sub-boards of this message board. This is a sad day for everyone….people can’t wait for this Forum to come back up, we WANT, we CRAVE, the DRAMA….

So all my other peeps out there, hopefully, the Forum will be back up soon, so we can eat our dinners in peace tonight, in front of the computer, and rehash some awesome DRAMA.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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