PCP, Primary Care Physician

I’m referring to the medical term PCP (Primary Care Physician), not the drug, you silly people.

Now that I’m getting older, well not THAT old, I’ve started realizing some things. I probably should get myself checked out. Ok, I realized this when I was coughing up my lungs last week. I knew that I needed drugs, preferably some kind of antibiotic.

So I realize that it’s been a few years since I have been to the regular doctor, perhaps 2004-ish. Yikes!! I check with the medical practice where I went before and my doctor is no longer there. Ugh. They are also an Urgent Care Center. So I tell them that I probably have bronchitis and upper respiratory infection-ish. They told me that I could/maybe/most likely wait two to three hours for Urgent Care Dr. The receptionist then asked who my PCP was. I said well, it was this Dr. (not naming names). She said, ohhh she hasn’t been here for like two years. I said well, can I establish myself with a new doctor in the practice? She said, umm, this particular dr. has an appointment. So I went to Dr. and got my meds. I didn’t get that “I want her as my PCP feeling”.

Angry Husband decides that he wants to go to Dr. now also. He would like to get a physical done. He also has no PCP. So I pull up our health insurance’s website. I get hundreds of doctors listed in our area. I have no clue on how to begin? My choices are male/female, other languages spoken, year graduated from Medical School, etc. So I put the doctors within 5 miles if our house search. I started calling the doctors’ offices. This is what I get from the receptionists, this is my typical conversation.

Me: Hi, are you accepting new patients in your group?

Chick on Phone: Yes/No and then what type of insurance do you have?

Me: XYZ Insurance

Chick on Phone: Oh, we are only accepting HMO patients now

Me: Ok , thanks

Other Chick on Phone: Oh, we do take your insurance, but, we are a concierge practice.

Me: Um, what does that mean?

Chick on Phone: Well, you pay $1800 a year for premiere service.

Me: Um, ok, no thanks, click….

So I finally call one of the newer Medical Groups in the area. I get a really nice lady on the phone. I told her that I’m looking for a PCP for my husband who is a typical male and hates/refuses going to the Dr. She said, how bout next week. I was shocked, I said sure thing!!! I then asked her, “What is this concierge medical practice thing?” She told me that it’s becoming on of these popular OC things where the doctors are at your beck and call. I giggled and then hung up.

Well, I’m a Google-r. I researched Concierge Medical Practices and here are some highlights.

As a general rule, for a fixed annual fee, these practices offer a limited number of patients special services and amenities that are not now provided by most medical practices. These services may include, among other things, the following:

·Nicer and less crowded reception areas.

·Priority/same day/ guaranteed next day/ extended/ Saturday appointments.

·24-hour pager, cell phone, home phone access to the physician.

·House calls and out of office care, possibly including accompanying patients to appointments with specialists.

· Preventive care/ weight loss/ nutrition/ wellness advice and programs.

· Telephone and email consultations.

· Spa-like amenities and decor.

· Free check ups.

· Physicals and other normally uncovered services

So anyway, the AH has a new PCP. I still do not. I hate this search. I want someone that I feel comfortable with. And of course, I got asked again today, by my Ob-Gyn, “Who is your PCP, so we can forward your test results?” I sighed, I don’t have one. The receptionist gave me a weird look.

I guess as an adult it is one of my duties; 1. PCP and 2. Dentist.

The Haircut

So we (Angry Husband and myself) decide that Angry Toddler needs a haircut. I call our local kid’s haircutting place. This is the place we’ve always gone to. We secure an appointment at 12pm. The place has moved a little farther so I told AH that we need to leave a little sooner than usual.

We are still trying to figure out why the place moved from the convenient mall location to this harder to find location near the beach with no parking.

We get there and park our car. AH walks in and already gets an annoyed look on his face. He gets the feeling that something is not quite right. We tell the receptionist that our appt is 12pm, it’s not 12 exactly. She told me that someone was just finishing up and would be right with us. There are two stylists and they both had kids in the chairs (airplanes).

The one lady is finishing up with a little boy. She is just finishing up with a little gel and then the mom speaks. Umm, can I get a little trim also? What the heck, chick, you want to get your hair trimmed at the kid’s place? Umm, people are waiting. People whom have an angry toddler who won’t sit still. Soo greedy stylist agrees to cut this woman’s hair. And this was not a trim, this chick wanted layers and everything!!! Angry Husband got that annoyed, let’s leave look on his face.

So we patiently wait for second chick. She is finishing cutting a little girl’s hair,then she proceeds to put the girl’s hair in pigtails, which were very cute.

So finally at 12:30, we plop AT down in second stylist’s airplane chair. The husband attempts to tell her how we want our son’s haircut. An experienced stylist would understand what my husband was trying to tell them. This chick looked at my husband like he was speaking a foreign language. And this is what he said, can we use a 1 in the back (clippers with a big guard), and fade up the back to a 3 (bigger guard), then use scissors on the top to thin it out. It’s really really really easy to do.

Well the chick started throwing baby powder all over AT’s shoulders (we had removed his shirt, cause he hates the smock thingy). Then she grabs the clippers and starts randomly cutting my son’s hair. The way she was cutting it made no sense at all. She finally finished with the scissors on top. This was the crappiest haircut I have ever seen my son get. Then, I can’t believe it, I actually went and paid $20 for this mess.

The mommy whom was getting her haircut was still there after we left.

Angry Husband got in the car and looked at me, and said, “What kind of haircut was that?” I said, I know, two more weeks and he’s going to need it cut again. This kid can usually go 6-8 weeks. AH also said, PLEASE find another place to get his haircut, we are NOT going back there….

So the moral of the story is; Why would any woman in her 30’s want to get her hair butchered by these clowns who can’t even cut a 2 year old boy’s hair?

Wordless Wednesday: Naptime

For a list of all Wordless Wednesday Participants, go here.

Where Were You?

This is a special day for Americans. It is September 11th. Six years ago, I woke up at my friend’s house in Weatherford, Texas. I turned on the local news and saw buildings with smoke coming out of them. I did not think anything about this at the time. I then turned on another channel and noticed the same news footage. I then realized that something major must be going on.

I was still a little sleepy as I was adjusting from the time change. I was at my friend, Susan’s house, and was set to leave the next day. I called her out from her bedroom to come watch the news footage. I finally woke up some more and paid attention to the news reporters. They said that a plane had crashed into a tower at the World Trade Center. I really did not know what the World Trade Center was? I was 25 years old at the time and had lived in California all my life. I did not realize the significance of what had happened. We continued to watch the news and I finally realized how “big” this really was. I picked up the telephone and called my husband in California. I told him to go turn on the news.

He went and got my mom, we were living with the parents at the time, and told her to turn on the television. They were both in shock also.

My friend Susan and I left the next day to drive to California. We had her daughter also with us. We drove the entire way through New Mexico, Arizona, and California listening to NPR and the updates. The end of our voyage was in San Diego, California. My personal voyage ended at the gate of a U.S. Navy base. Susan’s husband was in the Navy, and we drove to San Diego so she could meet up with him. I was going to stay with them that night at the military hotel and then my husband would come and pick me up. Well the base was on full alert, so they would not let little Miss Civilian on. I even tried to show them my Police Id. It was not negotiable. So Susan had to drive me to my parents house, late the night, after we had driven all night long…

As the days passed, more people were found. I realized what a great tragedy this was for our Nation. I will always remember where I was this day. Like I’m sure my mom will remember where she was when Kennedy was shot.

I’m thankful for everything I have. I am secretly glad that I am not at work today. The Fire Peeps are very somber today and I understand, but it is indeed sad.

So I will give my son, who was not born until 4 years later, a hug and think of the people who lost their loved ones.

OMG It’s a Train Wreck, Y’All

Well it’s Monday morning, the day after MTV’s 2007 Video Music Awards. Ummm, MTV has soo many regular programs now, I didn’t even know that they showed enough music videos to have awards for them. Seriously, I remember the good ole’ days of MTV, when you could turn it on and see videos around the clock. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Hills, Laguna Beach, and Newport Harbor, but I also liked the video aspect of MTV also.

MTV highlighted this year’s awards show by having it at The Palms Casino in Las Vegas. A very MTV-style hip and trendy place. The highlight of the show was supposed to be their opening act, Britney Spears singing her much anticipated single “Gimme More.” Britney pranced out on stage with her dancers wearing a sparkly black bikini-thing and tall black boots. She has shoulder length blond hair, unknown if it was extensions or a wig.

First impression: The look was not going for poor poor Britney. Britney has had two children since her “Baby One More Time” days. She is not that cute schoolgirl in the private school uniform with pigtails anymore. Britney’s got some junk in her trunk and it shows. I mean, I would love to even have the body that she has now, but I would not go out on a stage with millions of viewers wearing what she had on.

Then the music started. It was very obvious that she was lip-synching the entire performance. She got so overwhelmed with the dance routine that she pretty much stopped trying to sing during her performance. She got this confused, where the hell am I look?

Even the people in the audience had weird looks on their faces. It was hilarious.

Poor Britney’s PR person better get on this fast! Someone needs to tell Britney to just stop and reflect on her priorities. Britney spend some time with your kids, and get your butt in the gym.

My co-worker unfortunately missed this wonderful performance. We’ve been looking all morning for some video footage on the Internet. So if Y’All, find some linkage, please send it my way in a comment. I would really love to show her the video.


I found a linkee to the video on MTV. Here Y’All go!
Britney Spears 2007 MTV VMA’s

Got some new eyeglasses

I had Lasik surgery in 1999. My grandmother paid for the surgery and afterward exclaimed that she gave me the gift of sight. I had terrible eyesight before I had surgery. I inherited my dad’s bad eyes. I had an astigmatism in both eyes, and I think my prescription was like 20/400 or something awful like that. I was one of those glasses on the nightstand people. I had to wear them full-time.

Everyone at work jumped on the bandwagon as soon as this surgery got popular. Some of the older people still had to wear reading glasses after surgery. I was one of the luckier people, I did not have to wear any type of glasses afterwards. I really had no complications, except for dry eyes, which lasted a couple of months.

I have been ok, the past few years. But about a year ago, I noticed that my night vision was not as clear. I know that this is a side effect from the astigmatism. I noticed that street lights had those halos again. I also noticed that it was becoming harder to see street signs.

When you work in a job like I do, you need to be able to read street signs and addresses. I knew that I would be returning to the night shift in September. So I went to my local Costco and saw the local optometrist. She gave me an exam. She advised me that I night a slight prescription. So slight, that she told me only to wear the lens driving, at night. I got my prescription and headed out the door.

Yesterday, I went to my local LensCrafters with my prescription in hand. I walked in and began looking at the frames. Knowing that I’m a total brand name snob, I looked at the D&G, Prada, Chanel, and Burberry frames. I found the most perfect set of frames from Chanel. They are a beautiful silver color.

I know that they are a bit extravagant for work, but I said, what the hell. I got the best lens I could, with scratch coating and all. The manager there told me to come back in an hour to pick them up. I was in shock, in only an hour, I would get my new cute glasses.

I picked them up and they were beautiful. It was much easier to read street signs after that.

I wore my new glasses at work this morning.. Since it was still dark out when I started working. Several people noticed my new glasses and complimented me on them. One co-worker laughed at me, and said “Oh, are those Gucci or something?”. I said, “No, they are Chanel, duh”. I was making a joke with him, because these are a little over the top for my working conditions, but hey, a girl has got to have style, right?

The house of ill

Angry Toddler and I are both sick right now. AT picked up some kind of bug from preschool, I’m sure. He went to doctor on Tuesday and was diagnosed with double ear infections. So they give him some antibiotics and send us on our way.

I noticed that I was getting a sore throat Tuesday night. Well sleeping from Tuesday to Wednesday morning was awful. I woke up several times throughout the night, coughing myself. AT came into our bed at 5:30am, Wednesday morning, coughing also.

It just made for a miserable day yesterday. No preschool for him. No breaks for the momma. So today, we are both sick. It totally sucks! I want someone to take care of ME, for once. I want to be able to sleep this off, take meds, go into a coma.

Hopefully, the AH will come home soon and relieve me from childcare.

Poor Angry Toddler, he does love his preschool and he’s sooo bored at home with me.

Something soo simple, going to the bathroom

I swear, I’m not going to be graphic in this post..but I just had to vent a little.

So we have all the doors locked in our house, except Angry Toddler’s room. AT likes to get into things, so we have to lock the doors to protect all of us. We put the keys on the door frame above the door.

So I needed to use the bathroom. I secretly tip toe to our bedroom, open the door and jump in, closing the door behind me as fast as I can. I can hear AT running down the hall, screaming, “Momma, Mommy”. I am safe behind the bedroom door. So I walk into the bathroom, I realize ugh no toilet paper. I then look in the linen closet, no spare rolls. Ugh, which means I need to get some supplies from the garage.

I then leave our bedroom, locking the door safely behind me. I sneak into the garage. I look in the cabinet, no toilet paper, but we have like 15 rolls of paper towels… This is why I hate going to the grocery store, I’m always forgetting something…

So now, I have to break into AT’s bathroom, I walk to the door, and he comes running down the hall, “Wash hands, wash hands, go potty.” If I let him into the bathroom, I know it will be a 30 minute visit, consisting of stripping down his clothes, sitting on toilet, flushing toilet, washing hands, trying to climb into sink, re-diapering, re-dressing.. I don’t want any part of that.

So I did the smart mommy thing. I blocked him with my leg. That’s right, the thigh in front of the chest block. I reached up and grabbed the toilet paper. Yea, that’s right, I reached up, cause we put it on top of the medicine cabinet, so AT can’t throw the whole roll in the toilet. Wow, that was quite the run-on sentence.

So anyway, I proceed to lock the door behind me, and run to our bedroom. I close the door behind me and rejoice, because I finally get to go pee.

Yes, it took 30 minutes for me to go to the bathroom.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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