The Great American Fish Tank Build

I’m such an enabler. I admit it. I bought Angry Husband the 12 gallon saltwater fish tank for Father’s Day. I thought it was cute and small, sometime for him to do. Angry Toddler would love looking at the little fishies swimming around. I was wrong. I should know better by name, AH obsesses, I mean obsesses when he gets a new hobby.

I should know better. There is a quite a cult of fish people at work. All they talk about it their coral, new fish, chemical measurements, water evaporation, etc. I have joined the cult. The local fish store knows us by name now. The owner has become friends with AH. We discuss my co-workers fish tanks and what they have learned from the experience.

I could have fore casted this, but I didn’t. AH wanted a bigger and better tank. His first thought, saw out the wall between the dining room and garage. Umm, no, we are not sawing out walls for a FISH TANK.

Then it came to him, he was going to turn out dining room buffet into a tank stand. Hence, the Great American Fish Tank Build. Oh, yes, 125 GALLONS of acrylic fish tank…..

My dining room before:
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Dining room after, The Great American Fish Tank Build:
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The tank isn’t done yet. AH needs to buy lighting, rock, and water still………

I have no clue how much money he’s spent on this. Thankfully, he’s been doing some side work for my friends…

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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