The Great American Fish Tank Build

I’m such an enabler. I admit it. I bought Angry Husband the 12 gallon saltwater fish tank for Father’s Day. I thought it was cute and small, sometime for him to do. Angry Toddler would love looking at the little fishies swimming around. I was wrong. I should know better by name, AH obsesses, I mean obsesses when he gets a new hobby.

I should know better. There is a quite a cult of fish people at work. All they talk about it their coral, new fish, chemical measurements, water evaporation, etc. I have joined the cult. The local fish store knows us by name now. The owner has become friends with AH. We discuss my co-workers fish tanks and what they have learned from the experience.

I could have fore casted this, but I didn’t. AH wanted a bigger and better tank. His first thought, saw out the wall between the dining room and garage. Umm, no, we are not sawing out walls for a FISH TANK.

Then it came to him, he was going to turn out dining room buffet into a tank stand. Hence, the Great American Fish Tank Build. Oh, yes, 125 GALLONS of acrylic fish tank…..

My dining room before:
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Dining room after, The Great American Fish Tank Build:
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The tank isn’t done yet. AH needs to buy lighting, rock, and water still………

I have no clue how much money he’s spent on this. Thankfully, he’s been doing some side work for my friends…

My Pre-School Drop Off Attire

Angry Toddler started preschool in June. I used to get up before him, take a shower, get dressed and pulled myself together. I was ok with doing this, because I was awake. Also, Angry Husband took the small child to school most of the days.

At the beginning of the September, AT started school 5 days a week. My morning went to, grabbing jeans and a shirt from the closet, with no shower.

Today, I’m picking my pants from the floor, throwing them on, putting on a t-shirt (no bra), grabbing a pink fleece jacket, and putting on blue Crocs. I combed my hair, because I looked like a rooster. I then grabbed the kid and off we went.

I’m a complete mess today, oh well…

Believe me, if I didn’t have to go sign the kid in, I would be wearing pajama pants every day.

Wordless Wednesday: Self-Portrait

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For a list of all Wordless Wednesday Participants, go here.

Owls are HOT for Kid’s Clothes Right Now

For some unknown reason, owls are the big thing for children’s clothing this Fall. If you look at any of these sites; Gymboree, babyGap, Boden, you will see them.

I’ve really gotten into buying custom clothing for Angry Toddler in the past year. All these wonderful sellers on e-bay make awesome designs. I really love how every piece is unique and different.

One of my online buddies, Lindsay, designed this awesome custom woodpecker/owl tee for boy’s. It seems that the girls always get the cutest designs by the big manufacturers. I instantly saw the tee and said, “Wow”.

Lindsay has been doing custom outfits for over a year now. Her designs just keep getting more and more spectacular. Her e-bay id is fancy*pants*customs.

I love to spam my friends!

Contents of old purse….

While I was cleaning out my old purse to transfer everything into the new purse, I discovered the following:

1. Wallet (exploding with ATM/Debit receipts)
2. Planner (exploding with various store coupons, receipts, etc.)
3. Pair of sunglasses
4. Pair of eyeglasses
5. Dog Collar (pink leather)
6. 2 bottles of OPI nail polish
7. 5 crayons
8. Casio g-Shock watch (work watch), with incorrect time
9. Work ID card to get into door
10. Container of bobby pins
11. Business cards with my husband’s name on them
12. Business cards with my name on them
13. 2 checkbooks
14. 2 postcards that came in the mail from businesses

My New Pretty!!

I went shopping with my mom and Angry Toddler today. AT has not been cooperating the past few months when I take him to the mall. He gets very angry. So I take AT out of the car and attempt to shove him in the stroller. He screams, NOOO, Walk!!! I say, No!! So my mom and I manage to shove him into the stroller and buckle him in. He then tries to escape. I shove two suckers in my hand. Ahhh, AT is Happy Toddler now.

We all shopped for about two hours. I ventured in Coach. I saw this purse online the other night and became fixated on it. I knew my mom had a 25% coupon for Coach that expires tomorrow.

Like I spoiled brat, I begged. She gave in and got me the purse as an early birthday present. My birthday is in November, remember that, people!

So anyway, check out my new Coach Legacy Shoulder Flap Purse in Black Leather. I love the print on the inside too. I can’t wait to put all my goodies in it!

A Rainy Day in the OC

Well, I woke up to the loud sound of pouring rain at 3am this morning. I got up and checked outside, because I thought the noise was Angry Toddler running around the house. The rain was really loud. It’s a good thing the dogs were locked up in the garage. They hate getting wet, wimps.

The forecast for today is in the low 60’s. It’s going to rain all day. I had to put a long sleeve shirt and pants on AT today. He was not happy. He’s a shorts and t-shirt kind of kid. Plus, when I dropped him off at school, he was also not happy cause he could not play on the playground. He stood in the middle of the playground and threw a mini tantrum.

I then went to Starbucks and got myself a lovely Yogurt Parfait and Passion Ice Tea. Of course, I could make myself a yogurt parfait at home, but why, when Starbucks packages it soo nicely with their yummy granola. All the coffee addicts looked at me like I was a freak when I ordered my ice tea. I’m just not a coffee person, never was, never will be.

It’s kinda sad, how Starbucks has become such an icon here. The place was full of giggly high school girls, talking about school and boys.

Instead of loafing around today, I’m going to go and get my hair colored and cut. Maybe I will share some pictures later. My hair is quite diabolical right now. Nothing worse than a blonde girl going without her hairlights for too long.

Wordless Wednesday: Trojan Horse

For a list of all Wordless Wednesday Participants, go here.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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